Introduction of is provided you the right kind of food wholesome, natural food which is delicious and good for you. Our diet should provide us with all the vital nutrients that we need to grow and to stay healthy: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and a number of different vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates and fats are the body‘s main sources of energy, while the role of main sources of energy, while the role of proteins, minerals and vitamins is in body building and maintenance. The chart below shows the particular function of the nutrients and what foods they are found in. We, in the west, are fortunate in that we have a wide range of nutritious foods available and serious deficiencies are rare. But our plentiful diet can bring its own problems. Recent research has shown that most of us would benefit from making certain alterations to out present diet, by eating LESS FAT LESS SALT LESS SUGAR and MORE FIBRE.
The diet controversy has focused on a discussion paper prepared by the National Advisory Committee on Nutrition Education the NACNE report. Diet 2000, a lay man’s interpretation of the NACNE report, recommends the following dietary changes: The potential energy content of any food, as well as the energy consumed in a particular activity) taken in should be appropriate for maintaining optimal body weight for height and sex, with adequate exercise.