Fried zucchini

Fried zucchini

— 2 zucchini
— 3 tomatoes
— 200 grams of cheese
— 2-2.5 heads of garlic
— 2-3 beam of green
— 100 g of mayonnaise
— 4 eggs
— 6-8 Art. tablespoons flour
— 100 grams of vegetable oil
— 1-1.5 tsp. Salt

1. Young zucchini cut into thin slices along.
2. Season with salt and leave for 10-15 minutes.
3. Cheese cut into small thin slices.
4. Garlic clean.
5. Tomatoes cut into cubes or slices.
6. For the batter lightly beaten eggs.
7. First, the language of squash roll in flour, then — in the beaten egg.
8. In a frying pan heat the vegetable oil.
9. Fry languages ​​on medium heat for 5 minutes on each side.
10. Slices should be soft.
11. Hot fried zucchini on a plate, spread with mayonnaise.
12. On the one hand put a piece of cheese, on the other hand — a slice of tomato. Then, squeeze the garlic and zucchini to put a handful of greens.
13. Close zucchini roll, starting from the edge, where is the tomato.
14. Put on a plate so that the edge was on top.
15. stabbed Pumpkin roll with a toothpick.

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